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Meet Our Founder

Culture Statement

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Jaime Perris serves as MBM’s Founder and Chief Academic Officer.  She has been in education for more than 20 years and has taught in 8 countries. She has coached teachers and leaders in Australia, Malaysia, Myanmar and New York, and has facilitated professional learning workshops and designed curriculum for the U.S Navy, Malaysian and New York Ministry of Education. She has also authored books and academic materials for organizations globally.  Jaime strives to empower children, youth and teachers around the world while impacting lives through providing access to quality and equitable education in underserved communities around the world.

Jaime Perris
CEO & Founder

MBM consists of a culture that is collaborative, creative, adaptable, and comfortable with uncertainty. We embrace the inclusion of diverse voices, respect all cultures and abilities, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds with opportunities for growth. MBM highly values communication, transparency, authenticity, and fearless leadership that supports each other's growth.

Meet Our Volunteers

Anjali Shekhar
Business Partnerships & Outreach


Anjali is obsessed with board games and loves to travel. Back in India, she worked with underprivileged kids for 1.5 years and she understands how important is education for the kids. This experience realized her that no matter what the circumstances, Children can and will work hard if they know that someone in their life is supporting them. Before joining Minds Beyond Measure, Anjali was working in the Travel Industry as a sales executive. She loves to use her past work experience for helping underprivileged kids in developing countries as well.

"It often feels good to contribute to projects and organizations that mean something to you and Minds Beyond Measure is the right place for that. It is fun coming to work with happy people who love where they work and I see smiles everywhere I turn. Minds Beyond Measure pushes me to my fullest potential. I have a lot more confidence in myself since I've been working here. I enjoy doing Business Partnerships & Outreach role for Minds Beyond Measure because partnership increases your knowledge, expertise, and resources available to make better products and reach a greater audience. The right business partnership will always help the organisation to grow."

Victoria is a goal-oriented person that loves to read in her free time, and enjoys playing sports and spending time with her family. In 2019, she had the opportunity to visit Nigeria with her family. It was her first exposure to the conditions of life that underprivileged children go through in a developing nation. This led her to research the conditions that children who grow up in developing nations experience. Her research opened her eyes to the fact that there are even areas in the United States, where conditions of living are sadly similar to what exists in developing countries.


"Minds Beyond Measure provides me with the perfect platform to help in my own little way of shining a light on and helping find solutions to the challenges experienced by children in developing nations such as The Philippines and in inner cities such as New York City.  Grant writing has been a very satisfying experience because it includes the three things I love most - research, writing, and helping others. Working with Minds Beyond Measure has been very fulfilling, as I have been given the opportunity to both grow as a person and learn more about the world." 

Victoria Afolabi
Grant Writer


Michael Armijos
Social Media 


Michael is a copywriter and social media coordinator for Minds Beyond Measure. He enjoys listening and telling stories and is also interested in the arts; such as literature, music, films, and shows. He uses his strong interest in storytelling to convey MBM’s mission to whoever will listen.  He strives to gain new communications experience and increase his strength in copywriting, advertising/marketing and social media skills. Michael uses his creativity skills and uses the power of words to communicate powerful messages; and he does it by quite literally measuring his mind to the imagination.

"I find that writing, imagery and words are extraordinary tools to utilize and practice with. I thought it best to use these skills to help people and I am grateful to Minds Beyond Measure for giving me the opportunity to help people in an artistic, yet productive way."  

Meet Our Board

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